To facilitate remote meetings, we are releasing a new Reliable Voting functionality that makes holding of remote polls possible. The voting functionalities were designed with particularly the needs of housing companies in mind, but they are equally handy for organising other types of remote polls.
Votes and the related documents are signed electronically. The electronic signatures in the poll results and the integrity of the related contents can be verified later. The Reliable Voting functionality is automatically available to all organisations that have a paid plan. The cost of each voting transaction made by an individual voter is one electronic signature.
Reliable Voting:
- You can create open or blind polls in which the votes and the related documents are signed electronically.
- You can save a poll as a draft that you can edit until you send the poll.
- Voting by proxy is also possible.
- You can add number of votes each voter has on each line.
- Those who vote on behalf of several persons by proxy can cast all of the votes within a single guided workflow. Only one electronic signature will be charged for the votes.
- Voters who do not have a SignSpace account can vote without the need to register.
- The creator of the poll can export voting results in Excel worksheet format.
- The versatile SignSpace security settings are available when creating a poll.
Other new features:
- You can add several persons to a signing request, space, group, etc. at the same time using a list of comma or semicolon separated emails.
- You can invite all members of a group to sign by assigning the group as a signatory and splitting the group member list into individual signatories. This functionality is also available for tasks.
Improvements and fixes:
- The workflow for the Strong level of signing within SignSpace has been improved.
- Signing requests, tasks, and polls are updated in the user interface more frequently than before (at intervals of one minute).
- All SignSpace users within a group company can see each other automatically on the group company accounts.
- The visibility issue of the Archived marking has been fixed.
- The issue with overly large company logos has been fixed.
- Other minor fixes that improve usability.